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Welcome to the Unitarian-Universalist Fellowship of Lima

All of Who You Are Is Welcome Here

We are a Unitarian Universalist congregation who gather to explore spiritual, ethical and social issues in a safe and nurturing environment. We welcome all who seek a religious home free of creeds and guided by love, reason, and conscience. Unitarian Universalism supports the freedom of conscience of each individual as together we strive to live deep, rich, generous, and joyful lives and seek to be a force for good in the world. We invite you and your family to visit!

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“When surrounded by our dashed hopes, we might still be blessed with something we never expected—the grace to carry on. The ordinary day that dawns between desolation and the rebirth of hope is where we find our deepest faith, strongest reserves, and simple gratitude for our lives and the living.”


Service Times

Come and Grow With Us

Sundays September - June: 11 AM

Sunday Coffee Hour: 12 PM


UUA Videos

UUA Videos

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Nonprofits & Activism

An Ingathering message from Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray

A2SC Conversations with Satya Mamdani: The Eighth Principle Project

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